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Graphic with a headshot of Pyper Davis and the article title, Purposeful Leadership, Real Results: Building a Resilient Leadership Pipeline With Pyper Davis President & Founder Just Impacts LLC

Purposeful Leadership, Real Results: Building a Resilient Leadership Pipeline With Pyper Davis of Just Impacts

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Graphic with a headshot of Pyper Davis and the article title, Purposeful Leadership, Real Results: Building a Resilient Leadership Pipeline With Pyper Davis President & Founder Just Impacts LLC

Purposeful Leadership, Real Results: Building a Resilient Leadership Pipeline With Pyper Davis of Just Impacts

Graphic with a headshot of Donte P. Shannon and text of the article title "Purposeful Leadership Real Results: Designing Future-Ready Organizations with Donte P. Shannon, Executive Director, Industrial Designers Society of America."

Purposeful Leadership, Real Results: Designing Future-Ready Organizations With Donté P. Shannon of IDSA

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